My FTP Server allows you to connect to your Android device over WiFi by using any FTP Client.
It's simple, lightweight, elegant, and easy to use.
The My FTP Server app supports FTP, Copy, Access Control, File Sharing (P2P), FTPServer +, MyFTPServer, and the SwiFTP protocol.
Enjoy this simple free My FTP Server app for Android TV Boxes, smartphones, tablets, and even Amazon Fire TV. Includes many configurable options. Easy to set up (just press Play!)
- 1-Click FTP Start
- Compatible with Fire TV and Firestick + Android TV Boxes
- FTP and SFTP protocols are both supported (+ Secure FTP)
- Choose FTP Port, username, password, and other Options.
- Max out your Android device's transfer speed with FTP!
- Transfer ROMs, Images, Movies, Zip Files, and other Files from storage to your device via FTP
Over 1000 users love My FTP Server for Android smartphones, tablets, Firestick and Fire TV.
我的FTP Server功能:
- 1 - 点击FTP开始
- 与火的电视和Firestick +安卓电视盒支持
- FTP和SFTP协议都支持(+安全FTP)
- 选择FTP端口,用户名,密码和其他选项。
- 最大出与FTP Android设备的传输速度!
- 转移ROM,图像,电影,ZIP文件和其他文件从存储到通过FTP设备
My FTP Server allows you to connect to your Android device over WiFi by using any FTP Client.
It's simple, lightweight, elegant, and easy to use.
The My FTP Server app supports FTP, Copy, Access Control, File Sharing (P2P), FTPServer +, MyFTPServer, and the SwiFTP protocol.
Enjoy this simple free My FTP Server app for Android TV Boxes, smartphones, tablets, and even Amazon Fire TV. Includes many configurable options. Easy to set up (just press Play!)
- 1-Click FTP Start
- Compatible with Fire TV and Firestick + Android TV Boxes
- FTP and SFTP protocols are both supported (+ Secure FTP)
- Choose FTP Port, username, password, and other Options.
- Max out your Android device's transfer speed with FTP!
- Transfer ROMs, Images, Movies, Zip Files, and other Files from storage to your device via FTP
Over 1000 users love My FTP Server for Android smartphones, tablets, Firestick and Fire TV.